Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Mighty, Mighty PR Machine is Rolling

The mighty PR machine is chugging up the mountain. Meeting the reporters and dealing with the PR game reminds me of my past lives as a newspaper reporter, PR writer and account executive. I am having a great time and am really enjoying getting the word out about my book.

It is quite interesting to see what messages/ideas/thoughts different members of the media pull out of the book.

Here are a few links:

The Miami Herald:
The Fresno Bee:
The Houston Business Journal (two stories and two links):

I also did an interview with FOX 26 in Houston. They were kind enough to post the interview on their web site. Please notice that at different times during the interview I have no control of my hands.;jsessionid=48C81416E4307CCF839D13A5DC8864A6?contentId=4312589&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

I have a couple big stories coming out (hopefully) in the Dallas Morning News and Houston Chronicle.

And, if anyone has a connection, friend, parent, spouse, child, relative, neighbor, vendor, partner, colleague, Jedi, they know in the media, please forward information about the book.

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